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Studies on representative disruption scenarios, associated electromagnetic and heat loads and operation window in ITER


藤枝 浩文; 杉原 正芳*; 嶋田 道也; Gribov, Y.*; 伊尾木 公裕*; 河野 康則; Khayrutdinov, R.*; Lukash, V.*; 大森 順次; 閨谷 譲

Fujieda, Hirobumi; Sugihara, Masayoshi*; Shimada, Michiya; Gribov, Y.*; Ioki, Kimihiro*; Kawano, Yasunori; Khayrutdinov, R.*; Lukash, V.*; Omori, Junji; Neyatani, Yuzuru


Impacts of plasma disruptions on ITER have been investigated to confirm the robustness of the design of the machine to the potential consequential loads. The loads include both electro-magnetic (EM) and heat on the in-vessel components and the vacuum vessel. Several representative disruption scenarios are specified. Disruption simulations with the DINA code and EM load analyses with a 3D finite element method code are performed for these scenarios. Some margins are confirmed in the EM load. Heat load on the first wall due to the vertical movement and the thermal quench (TQ) is calculated with a 2D heat conduction code. For vertical displacement event, beryllium ($$Be$$) wall will not melt during the vertical movement, prior to the TQ. Significant melting is anticipated for the upper $$Be$$ wall and tungsten baffle due to the TQ after the vertical movement. However, its impact could be mitigated by implementing a reliable detection system of the vertical movement and a mitigation system.



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