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Prediction of metal-binding sites for high-throughput metalloproteomics data


中村 建介; 由良 敬; 郷 信広

Nakamura, Kensuke; Yura, Kei; Go, Nobuhiro


Metal-binding proteins are forming important subgroup of proteins. The knowledge of which, how many and where the metal ion bind to a protein should give a good clue to how the protein function. The experimental analysis of metal binding property of a protein can be extremely laborious. Combination of the experimental data and bioinformatics analysis may lead to the prediction of new function of the protein. A method that exploits evolutionary information was employed to predict the potential metal- binding residues. Since diversity of sequences within a protein family can vary, we have developed an interactive tool to carefully analyze the evolutionary information. Our prediction was confirmed for the sequences whose three-dimensional structure with metal ions is already solved. Then we made prediction for the sequence whose metal-binding site was unknown.



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