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A Next generation sodium-cooled fast reactor concept and its R&D program


一宮 正和; 水野 朋保; 小竹 庄司

Ichimiya, Masakazu; Mizuno, Tomoyasu; Kotake, Shoji


Critical issues in the development targets for the future fast reactor (FR) cycle system, including odium-cooled FR were to ensure safety assurance, efficient utilization of resources, reduction of environmental burden, assurance of nuclear non-proliferation, and economic competitiveness. A promising design concept of sodium-cooled fast reactor JSFR is proposed aiming at fully satisfaction of the development targets for the next generation nuclear energy system. A roadmap toward JSFR commercializationis described, to be followed up in a new framework of the Fast reactor Cycle Technology development (FaCT) Project launched in 2006.



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