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Research and development of fusion grid infrastructure based on Atomic Energy Grid InfraStructure (AEGIS)

Suzuki, Yoshio   ; Nakajima, Kohei; Kushida, Noriyuki; Kino, Chiaki; Aoyagi, Tetsuo; Nakajima, Norihiro  ; Iba, Katsuyuki*; Hayashi, Nobuhiko; Ozeki, Takahisa; Totsuka, Toshiyuki; Nakanishi, Hideya*; Nagayama, Yoshio*

In collaboration with the Naka Fusion Institute of Japan Atomic Energy Agency (NFI/JAEA) and the National Institute for Fusion Science of National Institute of Natural Science (NIFS/NINS), Center for Computational Science and E-systems of Japan Atomic Energy Agency (CCSE/JAEA) aims at establishing an integrated framework for experiments and analyses in nuclear fusion research based on the Atomic Energy Grid InfraStructure (AEGIS). AEGIS has been being developed by CCSE/JAEA aiming at providing the infrastructure that enables atomic energy researchers in remote locations to carry out R&D efficiently and collaboratively through the Internet. Toward establishing the integrated framework, we have been applying AEGIS to pre-existing three systems.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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