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ロシア余剰核兵器解体プルトニウム処分,1; BN600バイパック燃料オプションによる処分動向

Russian surplus weapons plutonium disposition, 1; Status of plutonium disposition by the BN600 vibro-packed fuel option

川太 徳夫

Kawata, Norio


As for the Disposition of Russian Surplus Plutonium dismantled from nuclear weapons, the irradiation method using light-water nuclear reactor (VVER1000) of Russia (Plu-thermal option) has been recognized as a major method. However at the U.S.-Russia conference in recent years, the fast reactor (BN600 etc.) option that had used the MOX Vibro-packed fuel was decided to apply to Russian Plutonium disposition. This technology is what the JAEA promotes it by a joint research with Russia, and JAEA will reports on the status of technical support, cooperation for the fast reactor option, and a recent trend.



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