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Evaluation of self-absorbed doses for the kidneys of a voxel mouse


木名瀬 栄   ; 高橋 聖 ; 斎藤 公明  

Kinase, Sakae; Takahashi, Masa; Saito, Kimiaki

Self-AFs for photons and electrons in the kidneys of a voxel mouse were evaluated using Monte Carlo simulation. The self-AFs for the kidneys of the voxel mouse were compared with those for the voxel humans. In addition, self-S values for $$^{90}$$Y and $$^{18}$$F of potential interest in the kidney dosimetry were assessed using the self-AFs. It was found that photon self-AFs for the voxel mouse are significantly smaller than those for the voxel humans and that the electron self-AFs for the voxel mouse are consistent with those for the voxel humans in the energy range 10 -100 keV, followed by a sharp fall. The self-S values for the voxel mouse were found to be much larger than those for the voxel humans. Consequently, it may be concluded that a translation of the dose-response relationships in mice into those in humans requires the reliable dosimetry based on each sophisticated model.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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