※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

ビスマスから生成されるポロニウムの振る舞いに関する研究,8; ポロニウムフィルターに関する基礎実験

Study on behavior of polonium produced from bismuth, 8; Basic experiment on polonium filter

山沢 雄*; 小原 徹*; 佐々 敏信   

Yamazawa, Yu*; Obara, Toru*; Sasa, Toshinobu


The treatment of polonium, reaction product of bismuth, is one of the important issues for the nuclear systems using lead-bismuth alloy such as spallation target of transmutation experimental facility planned in J-PARC project. To collect polonium evaporated from liquid lead-bismuth, filtering experiment with stainless steel mesh was performed. Using vacuum vessel prepared by JAEA, small amount of lead-bismuth which was irradiated at JRR-4 reactor was heated and evaporated polonium can be collected by the stainless steel mesh located at the entrance of exhaust line. The transmission of polonium was observed as a function of lead-bismuth pot temperature, filter temperature, and filter configuration (mesh size and number). From the experimental results, high decontamination factor is obtained at low filter temperature condition.



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