※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Dimensionless parameter dependence of H-mode pedestal width using hydrogen and deuterium plasmas in JT-60U


浦野 創; 滝塚 知典; 鎌田 裕; 大山 直幸; 竹永 秀信; JT-60チーム

Urano, Hajime; Takizuka, Tomonori; Kamada, Yutaka; Oyama, Naoyuki; Takenaga, Hidenobu; JT-60 Team

Hモードの周辺ペデスタル幅の性質をJT-60Uにおける軽・重水素プラズマを用いて調べた。燃料粒子質量を変えたデータベース解析及び詳細実験の両方において、ペデスタル幅は粒子質量、又は$$rho_mathrm{pol}^ast (propto m^{0.5})$$に非常に弱い依存性を示した。周辺部の$$rho_mathrm{pol}^ast$$分布は約1.4倍異なるにもかかわらず、周辺イオン温度分布$$T_mathrm{i}$$は軽・重水素両プラズマにおいて、ほぼ同一の分布を示した。周辺部の$$beta_mathrm{pol}$$を変化させる実験も実施した。周辺部の$$rho_mathrm{pol}^ast$$はほぼ同じ条件下において、高$$beta_mathrm{pol}$$プラズマは高い周辺$$T_mathrm{i}$$値を示し、ペデスタル幅も広くなった。無次元パラメータスキャン実験に基づいて、ペデスタル幅の比例則$$Delta_mathrm{ped} propto a rho_mathrm{pol}^{ast0.2} beta_mathrm{pol}^{0.5}$$が得られた。

The characteristics of the spatial width of the H-mode pedestal were investigated in hydrogen and deuterium plasmas in JT-60U. Both the database analysis and the dedicated experiments on the mass scan indicated that the pedestal width depends very weakly on the plasma particle species or $$rho_mathrm{pol}^ast (propto m^{0.5})$$. Identical profiles of the edge iontemperature $$T_mathrm{i}$$ were obtained in the experiments with hydrogen and deuterium plasmaswhile the $$rho_mathrm{pol}^ast$$ profile for the H-mode edge pedestal is not fixed but differs bythe factor of $$sim 1.4$$ (which is the square root of the mass ratio). The experiment on edge $$beta_mathrm{pol}$$ scan was also performed. Higher $$beta_mathrm{pol}$$ plasma had higher pedestal $$T_mathrm{i}$$ value accompanied by greater pedestal width in spite of almost identical $$rho_mathrm{pol}^ast$$ at the pedestal. Based on the experiments on the dimensionless parameter scan, the scaling of the pedestal width was evaluated as $$Delta_mathrm{ped} propto a rho_mathrm{pol}^{ast0.2} beta_mathrm{pol}^{0.5}$$.



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分野:Physics, Fluids & Plasmas



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