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 年 ~ 

Characterization of a high-brilliance soft X-ray laser at 13.9 nm by use of an oscillator-amplifier configuration


錦野 将元; 長谷川 登; 河内 哲哉; 山谷 寛; 助川 鋼太; 永島 圭介

Nishikino, Masaharu; Hasegawa, Noboru; Kawachi, Tetsuya; Yamatani, Hiroshi; Sukegawa, Kota; Nagashima, Keisuke

We have demonstrated an X-ray laser with highly peak brilliance and highly spatial coherence at 13.9 nm. In order to generate the highly brilliant X-ray laser by using the oscillator-amplifier configuration, a seeding X-ray laser beam is amplified by a medium plasma with the high gain coefficient. The amplified X-ray laser with highly output is affected by the refraction in the gain medium plasma. However the amplified X-ray laser has very high peak brilliance of $$5times10^{26}$$ photons/(s$$cdot$$mm$$^{2}$$$$cdot$$mrad$$^{2}$$$$cdot$$0.01%bandwidth) and large photon flux of $$6.5times10^{10}$$ photons/pulse.



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