※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Prediction of interfaces on biomolecules based on protein sequences and 3D structures


由良 敬; Kim, O.*; 郷 信広

Yura, Kei; Kim, O.*; Go, Nobuhiro


Structural genomics projects have and are going to provide a huge number of atomic coordinates of protein three-dimensional (3D) structures, fundamental data to understand mechanisms of protein functions. To gain knowledge of biological functions of those proteins, we need to have computational methods to pinpoint functional residues and to launch collaborative experiments to specify the functions. Out of many types of biological functions, we are focusing on interactions between protein and RNA/DNA/proteins. Aiming to predict the whole complex structures, we, therefore, develop a method to predict the interfaces of macromolecules out of the single subunit structures, starting with protein-RNA complex. Prediction of RNA interface with two types of propensities plus a position-specific multiple sequence profile reached high specificity. The method was extended to DNA and protein interfaces, and achieved high performance in prediction.



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