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IAEA主催第21回核融合エネルギー会議概要報告; 2006年10月16日$$sim$$10月21日,成都,中国

Summary report of the 21st IAEA Fusion Energy Conference; October 16-21, Chengdu, China


Division of Advanced Plasma Research


Fusion Energy Conference has been held aiming to report and exchange the information concerning the nuclear fusion research every two years since 1961 by IAEA. The conference has authorities most in the field of the fusion research. The 21st Fusion Energy Conference was held at Chengdu in China on October 16th through 21st in 2006, and 800 researchers or more participated in the conference from 50 countries. This report is a summary of the conference that the JAEA researchers who participated in this conference (36 persons in total) have seen presentations of each contributed papers at the conference room and have understood from each point of view. The contents of this report are very comprehensible, because those are written from the viewpoint of each researchers of JAEA. The purpose of this report is to provide the information which is useful for many researchers to understand the latest study results over a wide field of fusion research.



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