※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Numerical simulation of critical current degradation of Nb$$_{3}$$Sn strand in CIC conductor


村上 陽之*; 石山 敦士*; 植田 浩史*; 小泉 徳潔; 奥野 清

Murakami, Haruyuki*; Ishiyama, Atsushi*; Ueda, Hiroshi*; Koizumi, Norikiyo; Okuno, Kiyoshi


Critical current was degraded by periodic transverse load in a CICC. A simulation code was developed to study mechanism of this degradation in details. The simulation results were compared with results of experiment in which single strand was periodically bent. Since the test results could not be simulated well in the previous work, the authors carried out improvements of the model, such as use of electro-plastic model and detail evaluation of conductance among filaments. By these improvements the agreement between the simulation and experiment can be modified. This results in verifying validity of our code. Using our code, the general dependence of the critical current degradation on strand configuration, such as barrier thickness, RRR of bronze and twist pitch of filament, are evaluated. The results show barrier thickness affects critical current performance because of its large bending rigidity. On the other hand, RRR of bronze and twist pitch of filament hardly affects critical current performance.



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分野:Engineering, Electrical & Electronic



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