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Report No.

Shell structures of vortices in superconducting disks of an amorphous MoGe film

Kokubo, Nobuhito*; Okayasu, Satoru  ; Shinozaki, Bunju*

We have investigated spatial distributions of vortices induced in small superconducting disks of amorphous MoGe. Scanning SQUID microcopy allows us to observe directly magnetic distributions near the surface of the disks. Results on disks with diameter 0.05 mm demonstrate that quasi-symmetric distributions imposed by the circle geometry appear for vorticity up to 5. Meanwhile, for vorticity more than 6, vortices form an unique shell structure, in which one vortex is located in the center and others form a circle around. The critical vorticity for this structural transition is consistent with results on Nb disks imaged by the magnetic decoration experiments.



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Category:Physics, Applied



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