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Generation of soft X-ray submicron beam using Fresnel phase zone plate


錦野 将元; 川染 勇人*; 永島 圭介

Nishikino, Masaharu; Kawazome, Hayato*; Nagashima, Keisuke


The highly brilliant X-ray source is one of promising tool for new scientific research. Since the first demonstration of a collisional pumped soft X-ray laser (XRL), which has been developed as a highly coherent X-ray source, the application research using the XRL beam has been progressed. A focused X-ray beam with a high intensity and a micron-order scale is expected to open various fields. We have demonstrated a submicron soft X-ray beam using a Fresnel phase zone plate (FPZP) with a highly efficiency of first-order diffraction X-rays. The highly coherent XRL at wavelength l of 13.9 nm is focused to a 0.5-$$mu$$m spot size at full width of half maximum (FWHM) with a peak intensity of about 10$$^{11}$$W/cm$$^{2}$$.



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分野:Physics, Applied



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