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Report No.

Radiation deterioration in mechanical properties and ion exchange capacity of Nafion N117 swelling in water

Iwai, Yasunori; Hiroki, Akihiro; Tamada, Masao; Yamanishi, Toshihiko

Soaking Nafion N117 in oxygen-saturated distilled water was irradiated by g-rays or electron beam at various dose ranging to 1600 kGy at room temperature or 343K to obtain detailed information on the effect of oxygen on radiation deterioration in Nafion mechanical properties and ion exchange capacity. The contribution of reactions that boar no relation to oxygen to radiation deterioration in mechanical property was dominant for the irradiation in oxygen-saturated distilled water at room temperature. The effect of oxygen was not significant due to little oxygen concentration in distilled water. Irradiated Nafion N117 became a weak and brittle material at 343K. The effect of oxygen became negligible at 343K. The ion exchange capacity irradiated at the dose of 1600kGy was only 20% decrease of initial capacity at room temperature.



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Category:Engineering, Chemical



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