Reconsideration of electron irradiation test methods for the evaluation of space solar cells
大島 武; 佐藤 真一郎; 宮本 晴基; 今泉 充*; 花屋 博秋; 河野 勝泰*
Oshima, Takeshi; Sato, Shinichiro; Miyamoto, Haruki; Imaizumi, Mitsuru*; Hanaya, Hiroaki; Kawano, Katsuyasu*
In this study, we reconsider electron irradiation methods for the evaluation of radiation response of space solar cells. We show irradiation test methods performed at JAEA, such as a sequential method, in which the electrical performance of solar cells is measured outside of an irradiation facility after irradiation, and a simultaneous method, in which the electrical performance of solar cells can be measured in-situ. The results obtained from the sequential method are compared to these obtained from the simultaneous method. The reasonable distance between samples and the accelerator window to take reliable data on the basis of the energy decay of electrons by atmosphere is also discussed.