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Report No.

Recombination centers in as-grown and electron-irradiated ZnO substrates

Son, N. T.*; Ivanov, G.*; Kuznetsov, A.*; Svensson, B. G.*; Zhao, Q. X.*; Willander, M.*; Morishita, Norio; Oshima, Takeshi; Ito, Hisayoshi; Isoya, Junichi*; Janz$'e$n, E.*; Yakimova, R.*

Optical detection of magnetic resonance (ODMR) was performed to investigate defects in ZnO irradiated with 3 MeV electrons at room temperature. As a result, the Zn vacancy and some other centers were detected by ODMR. The Zn vacancy and two other centers whish are labeled as LU3 and LU4, were also commonly observed in different types of as-grown ZnO. Therefore, it can be concluded that the both LU3 and LU4 might be related to intrinsic defects, and they act as dominating recombination centers in irradiated and as-grown ZnO.



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Category:Physics, Applied



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