Processing of clustered DNA damage sites which consist of 8-oxoG and DHT in 
鹿園 直哉; Pearson, C.*; Thacker, J.*; O'Neill, P.*
Shikazono, Naoya; Pearson, C.*; Thacker, J.*; O'Neill, P.*
クラスターDNA損傷は、単一の放射線のトラックによって生じる電離放射線に特徴的なものと考えられているが、そのin vivoでのプロセシングについては不明な点が多い。そこで、二本鎖上の任意の位置に二つの塩基損傷(8-oxo-7,8-dihydroguanine (8-oxoG)及びdihydrothymine(DHT))を配置させ、単独の塩基損傷に比べて大腸菌において変異誘発頻度が高まるかどうかを調べた結果、クラスターDNA損傷では突然変異頻度は高まることが見いだされた。8-oxoGと脱塩基部位(AP site)からなるクラスターDNA損傷でも同様な結果が得られた。クラスター損傷の修復過程に関してさらなる知見を得る目的から、8-oxoGが除去された後に生ずると考えられる中間体を調べたところ、「APとAP」もしくは「APと鎖切断」ではほとんど複製が起こらないことが明らかになった。これらの結果から、8-oxoGもしくはDHTが除去された後、残ったクラスター損傷内の塩基損傷は、AP部位や1本鎖切断にさらに変換されないと示唆される。
Clustered DNA damage induced by a single radiation track is a unique feature of ionizing radiation. Recent in vitro studies have shown that the repair of lesions within clusters may be retarded, but less is known about the processing and the mutagenic effects of such clustered damage in vivo. Using a plasmid-based assay in Escherichia coli, we have investigated the mutagenic potential of bistranded clustered damage sites which consist of 8-oxo-7,8-dihydroguanine (8-oxoG) and dihydrothymine (DHT) at defined separations. We found a significantly higher mutation frequency for the clustered DHT + 8-oxoG lesions than that for either a single 8-oxoG or a single DHT in wild-type and in glycosylase-deficient strains of
. Similar results were obtained with the 8-oxoG + AP cluster. To gain further insights on the processing of the DHT + 8-oxoG cluster, several potential intermediates were assessed. It was found that AP + AP and Gap + AP clusters strongly retard replication. These results led us to suggest that the base remaining within the cluster after removal of one of the base damage will not be further converted to an AP site or to a single strand break