※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

重い電子系へのクロスオーバー過程の解析; USn$$_3$$の場合

Formation of heavy fermion state in USn$$_3$$

神戸 振作  ; 酒井 宏典   ; 徳永 陽  ; 松田 達磨; 芳賀 芳範   ; 中堂 博之 

Kambe, Shinsaku; Sakai, Hironori; Tokunaga, Yo; Matsuda, Tatsuma; Haga, Yoshinori; Chudo, Hiroyuki


In order to characterize the heavy fermion formation in USn$$_3$$, Knight shift and spin-lattice relaxation time $$T_1$$ of $$^{119}$$Sn NMR are measured. Dynamical property ($$T_1$$) and static property (the specific heat) at the heavy fermion state can be described in a quantitatively consistent way based on the spin-fluctuation model with constant energy scales. However, an introduction of $$T$$-dependent effective RKKY interaction is necessary to describe the crossover from the incoherent localized to the coherent heavy fermion states.



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