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Development of systematic compilation method to exhibit the level of the confidence on the assessment

大井 貴夫 ; 加藤 智子 ; 河内 進; 川村 淳

Oi, Takao; Kato, Tomoko; Kawachi, Susumu; Kawamura, Makoto


The method contributing to the improvement of confidence and the systematization of the various information and knowledge under the responsibility of each researcher has examined. As a result, "a systematic compilation method to exhibit the level of the confidence on the assessments" has been developed based on the approach of the international quality management system. It is possible to manifest the aims, intention, contents, approach and process of the study by compiling and presenting the results of the studies using this method. In addition, transparency and traceability would be shown and the adequacy of the obtained result would be claimed by researcher through the conformity assessment for the result of the study. These results would contribute the understanding of reader and improvement of confidence.



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