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Report No.

Prevention of clogging phenomenon with high-grouting pressure

Nobuto, Jun*; Nishigaki, Makoto*; Mikake, Shinichiro ; Kobayashi, Shinji*; Sato, Toshinori*  

This paper describes a study on grouting strategy for crystalline rock. First, grouting practices used in Nordic countries are summarized. Their main characteristics are the usage of thick slurry of grout material, dense pattern of grout holes and simultaneous injection of plural holes, which enable both of high-level water sealing and shortening of grouting work. To investigate the applicability of thick cement slurry, high-pressure clogging test simulating real grouting work has been conducted. The test results indicated the possibility to prevent the clogging phenomenon of thick cement slurry, i.e. water cement ratio of 1.6, by increasing the injection pressure gradually.



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