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Report No.

Stabilization of simulated radioactive lead waste and simulated low level radioactive liquid waste using reformed sulfur (Joint research)

Sone, Tomoyuki ; Sasaki, Toshiki ; Miyamoto, Yasuaki ; Yamaguchi, Hiromi ; Inoue, Haruka*; Kihara, Tsuyoshi*; Takei, Yoshihisa*; Tatekawa, Takaiki*; Fukaya, Masaaki*; Iriya, Keishiro*; Takeuchi, Kunifumi*

Reformed sulfur (RS) is superior in water interception and acid resistance compared with cement. Therefore solidified wastes with RS should have the high resistance to leaching. Unconfined compressive strength test and leaching test using solidified simulated wastes containing lead contaminated with radioactive nuclides (Lead waste) with RS and solidified simulated low level radioactive liquid waste (LLLW) with RS were conducted to examine the applicability of reformed sulfur solidification method (RSSM) as solidification technique of Lead waste and LLLW. The results of these studies show that RSSM is effective technique for stabilization of lead compared with cement solidification method because solidified lead with RS has much stronger resistance to leaching of lead than solidified lead with cement. It also show that the applicability of RSSM as solidification technique of the waste containing lead oxide and LLLW is low because the resistance to leaching of solidified lead oxide with RS and of solidified simulated LLLW with RS were equal to or lower than those of solidified products with cement respectively.



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