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Report No.

Application of the sorption database to K$$_{d}$$-setting for Horonobe rocks

Ochs, M.*; Kunze, S.*; Saito, Yoshihiko; Kitamura, Akira  ; Tachi, Yukio  ; Yui, Mikazu

In the present report, a first test and illustration was performed regarding the applicability of the JNC-SDB to the derivation of K$$_{d}$$-values for Th, Np, Cs, and Se valid for Horonobe rocks. The original experimental data selected from the JNC-SDB were converted to the application conditions using the semi-quantitative scaling procedures. To illustrate the effect of the scaling procedures, and of related uncertainties, on the magnitude of the derived K$$_{d}$$-values, scaling procedures taking into account mineralogy as well as surface and solution speciation were applied sequentially, and all results were discussed in detail. This K$$_{d}$$-setting exercise allowed to predict the magnitude of K$$_{d}$$ values under the in-situ conditions, however the availability of experimental data that closely match the application conditions is limited for some reasons.



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