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Report No.

Dynamics of deuterium implanted in boron coating film for wall conditioning

Nakahata, Toshihiko*; Yoshikawa, Akira*; Oyaizu, Makoto*; Oya, Yasuhisa*; Ishimoto, Yuki*; Kizu, Kaname; Yagyu, Junichi; Ashikawa, Naoko*; Nishimura, Kiyohiko*; Miya, Naoyuki; Okuno, Kenji*

Retention and desorption behavior of deuterium implanted into pure boron films has been studied by means of the secondary ion mass spectroscopy. It was found that the factor dominating deuterium desorption was the sample temperature. At stage 1, below 573 K, the desorption of deuterium from B-D-B bond dominated and diffusion was the rate-determining process in this stage. Above 573 K, deuterium was mainly desorbed from B-D bonds, and recombination was the rate-determining process in this stage. The effective molecular recombination rate constant of deuterium trapped as B-D bond was determined by an isothermal annealing experiment.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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