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Report No.

Magnetic resonance studies of defects in electron-irradiated ZnO substrates

Son, N. T.*; Ivanov, I. G.*; Kuznetsov, A. Yu.*; Svensson, B. G.*; Zhao, Q. X.*; Willander, M.*; Morishita, Norio; Oshima, Takeshi; Ito, Hisayoshi; Isoya, Junichi*; Janz$'e$n, E.*; Yakimova, R.*

Defects in electron-irradiated (3, 6 MeV) ZnO substrates were investigated using optical detection of magnetic response (ODMR). The shallow donor and the Zn vacancy were detected. In addition, several ODMR centers with S=$$frac{1}{2}$$ were also observed. Among these, LU3 and LU4 shows a behavior as recombination centers. After annealing at 400$$^{circ}$$C, both LU3 and LU4 still remain in ZnO substrates.



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Category:Physics, Condensed Matter



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