※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Calculation of anisotropy factors for radionuclide neutron sources

辻村 憲雄   ; 吉田 忠義 

Tsujimura, Norio; Yoshida, Tadayoshi


The authors developed a model for calculating the angular neutron fluence distributions for radionuclide neutron sources which are encapsulated in stainless steel capsules or surrounded by support structures as a source holder and a source movement system. These structures may cause an anisotropic neutron fluence distribution. This should be taken into account in the neutron-measuring instruments calibration procedure. The calculations were made for two types of widely used neutron sources, $$^{241}$$Am-Be and $$^{252}$$Cf, by combining an in-house code simulating the $$^{9}$$Be($$alpha$$,n) reactions and the Monte Carlo code MCNP-4C. As a result, anisotropy factors in the direction perpendicular to the source capsule axis for bare neutron sources were evaluated to be 1.012 for $$^{252}$$Cf in a standard Amersham X1 capsule, 1.030, 1.039 and 1.045 for $$^{241}$$Am-Be in a standard Amersham X3, X4 and X14 capsules, respectively. These values are in reasonable agreement with the published data.



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