Verification of atmospheric diffusion models using data of long term atmospheric diffusion experiments
Tamura, Junji*; Kido, Hiroko*; Hato, Shinji; Homma, Toshimitsu
The plume models are used in probabilistic accident consequence assessment (PCA) codes due to cost and time savings. The PCA code, OSCAAR developed by JAERI (Present; JAEA) uses the puff model to calculate atmospheric transport and dispersion. In order to investigate uncertainties involved with the structure of the atmospheric dispersion/deposition model in OSCAAR, we have introduced the more sophisticated computer codes that included regional meteorological model RAMS and atmospheric transport model HYPACT, and comparative analyses between OSCAAR and RAMS/HYPACT have been performed. In this study, model verification of OSCAAR and RAMS/HYPACT was conducted using data of long term atmospheric diffusion experiments, which were carried out in Tokai-mura, Ibaraki-ken. The predictions by models and the results of the atmospheric diffusion experiments indicated relatively good agreements. And it was shown that model performance of OSCAAR was the same degree as it of RAMS/HYPACT.