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Mechanistic study on lithium intercalation using a restricted reaction field in LiNi$$_{0.5}$$Mn$$_{0.5}$$O$$_{2}$$

Sakamoto, Kazuyuki*; Konishi, Hiroaki*; Sonoyama, Noriyuki*; Yamada, Atsuo*; Tamura, Kazuhisa   ; Mizuki, Junichiro; Kanno, Ryoji*

Structure changes of LiNi$$_{0.5}$$Mn$$_{0.5}$$O$$_{2}$$ were detected at the electrode/electrolyte interface of lithium cell using synchrotron X-ray scattering and two-dimensional model electrodes. The electrodes were constructed by an epitaxial film of LiNi$$_{0.5}$$Mn$$_{0.5}$$O$$_{2}$$ synthesized by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) method. The orientation of the film depends on the substrate plane; the 2D layer of LiNi$$_{0.5}$$Mn$$_{0.5}$$O$$_{2}$$ is parallel to the SrTiO$$_{3}$$(1 1 0) substrate ((1 1 0) LiNi$$_{0.5}$$Mn$$_{0.5}$$O$$_{2}$$//(1 1 0) SrTiO$$_{3}$$), while the 2D layer is perpendicular to the SrTiO$$_{3}$$(1 1 1) substrate ((0 0 3) LiNi$$_{0.5}$$Mn$$_{0.5}$$O$$_{2}$$//(1 1 1) SrTiO$$_{3}$$). The ${it in situ}$ X-ray diffraction of LiNi$$_{0.5}$$Mn$$_{0.5}$$O$$_{2}$$(0 0 3) confirmed three-dimensional lithium diffusion through the two-dimensional transition meal layers. The intercalation reaction of LiNi$$_{0.5}$$Mn$$_{0.5}$$O$$_{2}$$ will be discussed.



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Category:Chemistry, Physical



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