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 年 ~ 

High-resolution water window X-ray imaging of in vivo cells and their products using LiF crystal detectors


Bonfigli, F.*; Faenov, A. Y.; Flora, F.*; Francucci, M.*; Gaudio, P.*; Lai, A.*; Martellucci, S.*; Montereali, R. M.*; Pikuz, T.*; Reale, L.*; Richetta, M.*; Vincenti, M. A.*; Baldacchini, G.*

Bonfigli, F.*; Faenov, A. Y.; Flora, F.*; Francucci, M.*; Gaudio, P.*; Lai, A.*; Martellucci, S.*; Montereali, R. M.*; Pikuz, T.*; Reale, L.*; Richetta, M.*; Vincenti, M. A.*; Baldacchini, G.*

High contrast imaging of in vivo cells with submicron spatial resolution was obtained with a contact water window X-ray microscopy technique using a point-like, laser-plasma produced water-window X-ray radiation source and LiF crystals as detectors. The powerful performance of LiF crystals allowed to detect the exudates of Chlorella cells in their living medium and their spatial distribution in situ, without any special sample preparation



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分野:Anatomy & Morphology



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