※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Crystal structure of SOFC cathode materials by neutron and synchrotron X-ray diffraction

伊藤 孝憲*; 横手 武徳*; 北村 尚斗*; 井手本 康*; 佐久間 隆*; 高橋 東之*; 井川 直樹   

Ito, Takanori*; Yokote, Takenori*; Kitamura, Naoto*; Idemoto, Yasushi*; Sakuma, Takashi*; Takahashi, Haruyuki*; Igawa, Naoki


Perovskite-type oxides with electron-oxide ion mixed conduction are attractive materials as a cathode for solid oxide fuel cell. Although (La,Sr)MnO$$_{3}$$ is applied for this purpose, (Ba,Sr)(Co,Fe)O$$_{3-delta}$$ has much attention because it has lower operation temperature. In this study, we carried out the neutron and synchrotron X-ray diffraction study on those materials, and discuss the difference in crystal structure including the nuclei and electron distribution on the transition metal-oxygen plain in the crystal from the results of the Rietveld and the maximum entropy method analyses.



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