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Report No.

Fuel cell performance of polyetheretherketone-based polymer electrolyte membranes prepared by a two-step grafting method

Chen, J.; Asano, Masaharu; Maekawa, Yasunari; Yoshida, Masaru

Polyetheretherketone (PEEK)-based polymer electrolyte membrane (ssPEEK) was prepared by successive grafting of divinylbenzene and ethyl styrenesulfonate onto PEEK film, followed by hydrolysis of the graft chains to form styrenesulfonate graft chains. In comparison with the commercial Nafion membrane, the obtained ssPEEK membrane possesses superior proton conductivity and mechanical property, comparable fuel cell performance at a lower temperature and higher relative humidity, and substantially better fuel cell performance at a higher temperature and lower relative humidity. Furthermore, the ssPEEK membrane maintains good performance in a fuel cell after operation for more than 250 h, while the Nafion membrane deteriorated under such conditions.



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Category:Engineering, Chemical



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