Generation and application of bremsstrahlung production data calculated by EGS4 code
坂本 幸夫; 平山 英夫*; 佐藤 理*; 清水 彰直*
Sakamoto, Yukio; Hirayama, Hideo*; Sato, Osamu*; Shimizu, Akinao*
A Bremsstrahlung production data is needed in the calculation of buildup factors included by the contribution of Bremsstrahlung as secondary photons by IE method. In this work, the emission of Bremsstrahlung is treated as possible as exactly by the introduction of EGS4 results. The Bremsstrahlung production data by pair-created electrons and Compton scattered electrons is evaluated for 26 elements and 4 compound and mixtures. The error estimation of Bremsstrahlung contribution to buildup factors by IE method coupled with this Bremsstrahlung data is coincident with fully transported results by EGS4 code within about 5%. By the introduction of this Bremsstrahlung production data into IE methods, we can calculate buildup factors included by the contribution of Bremsstrahlung with good accuracy up to deep penetration.