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Report No.

Comparison of liquid scintillation counting measurement with accelerator mass spectrometric measurement

Yamada, Yoshimune*; Yasuike, Kaeko*; Amano, Hikaru

Concentrations of organically-bound $$^{14}$$C in the tree-ring cellulose samples were analyzed by the accelerator mass spectrometric measurement (hereafter the AMS measurement) and compared with those of the same samples by the liquid scintillation counting measurement (hereafter the LSC measurement). This was done to determine the reliability of LSC measurement. An important result is that the $$Delta$$$$^{14}$$C values analyzed by the AMS measurement demonstrated lower levels of approximately 15permil than those by the LSC measurement. These deviations are considered to be caused by indeterminate errors in the counting of the specific activity of the standard reference of $$^{14}$$C used for the LSC measurement. The synthesized benzene prepared from NIST oxalic acid (SRM4990C) was used as the standard reference of $$^{14}$$C in the LSC measurement.



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