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Report No.

Origin and chemical speciation of anthropogenic Iodine-129

Shima, Shigeki*; Gasa, Shinichi*; Amano, Hikaru; Nagao, Seiya*; Yamamoto, Masayoshi*; Momoshima, Noriyuki*; Furukawa, Masahide*; Kimura, Hideki*; Kawamura, Hisao*

Concentrations of $$^{129}$$I in surface seawater around Japan were approximately 2$$times$$10$$^{7}$$atoms/L in literatures. However, the atomic ratio of iodine to cesium was ten times as high as that of the global fallout. The origin of $$^{129}$$I in the water columns seems to be difficult to be explained by only the global fallout. Discharge from European plants was one of the possible origins of iodine from the standpoint of air mass trajectory analysis. Concentration of $$^{129}$$I in rain water was 10 times higher than that in surface seawater. Anthropogenic inorganic iodine in surface seawater predominantly dissolves as an iodide ion (I$$^{-}$$).



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