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Report No.

Inspection of secondary cooling system piping of JMTR

Hanawa, Yoshio; Izumo, Hironobu; Fukasaku, Akitomi; Nagao, Yoshiharu  ; Kawamura, Hiroshi

Piping condition was inspected form the view point of confirmation of long term utilization before renewal work of secondary cooling system in the JMTR on FY 2008. As the result, it was confirmed that crack, swelling and exfoliation in inner lining of piping could be observed, and corrosion in piping could hardly be observed. Repair of inner lining of piping during refurbishment of the JMTR is necessary to long term utilization of secondary cooling system after restart of the JMTR. In addition, periodic inspection of inner lining condition is necessary after repair of secondary cooling system piping.



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