※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Heating rate of highly space-charge-dominated ion beams in a storage ring


百合 庸介; 岡本 宏巳*

Yuri, Yosuke; Okamoto, Hiromi*

We investigate the heating process of highly space-charge-dominated ion beams in a storage ring, using the molecular dynamics simulation technique. To evaluate the heating rate over the whole temperature range, we start from an ultra-low-emittance state where the beam is Coulomb crystallized, apply perturbation to it, and follow the emittance evolution. When the ring lattice is properly designed, the heating rate is quite low at ultralow temperature because random Coulomb collisions are suppressed. It gradually increases after the collapse of the ordered state by perturbation, and comes to a peak when the beam reaches a liquid phase. The dependence of the heating behavior on the beam line density and betatron tune is explored systematically. The effect of lattice imperfection on the stability of crystalline beams is also confirmed.



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