※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Helium ion beam radiolysis of sodium bicarbonate aqueous solution


山口 真; 内藤 守正 ; 油井 三和

Yamaguchi, Makoto; Naito, Morimasa; Yui, Mikazu


To assess the effect of alpha-radiolysis of groundwater on the surface of the radioactive waste in the HLW disposal, helium ion beam irradiation of aqueous solutions were performed containing bicarbonate, which is the major solute in groundwater. Samples were irradiated with 20 MeV $$^{4}$$He$$^{2+}$$ ion beam from AVF cyclotron in TIARA, and hydrogen peroxide was analyzed. Hydrogen peroxide concentration increased linearly with accumulated dose, and its accumulation rate decreased by increasing solute concentration. This effect of bicarbonate ion shows the same trend as observed in the previous homogeneous kinetic model calculations.



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