※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Calculations of critical masses of minor actinides on the ANSI/ANS-8.15 model using the nuclear data library JENDL-3.3

奥野 浩  ; 佐藤 庄平; 川崎 弘光*

Okuno, Hiroshi; Sato, Shohei; Kawasaki, Hiromitsu*

マイナーアクチニド23核種の金属の臨界質量及び7核種の金属-水混合物の臨界質量をモンテカルロ法中性子輸送計算コードMCNP4C2及び核データライブラリJENDL-3.3の組合せにより計算した。反射条件は、裸,水30cm,SUS304 30cmの3種類とした。臨界質量に関する文献値及びJENDL-3.2に基づく計算値との比較を行った。さらに、反射体の違いによる臨界質量への影響及び臨界質量と無限増倍率との関係について論じた。

The critical masses of 23 minor actinides in metal and 7 minor actinides in metal-water mixtures were calculated using a combination of the Monte Carlo neutron transport code MCNP4C2 and the nuclear data library JENDL-3.3. The selected reflector conditions were bare, with a 30-cm-thick water and with a 30-cm-thick SS304. Comparisons of the calculated critical masses with the data in reference literature and those calculated using JENDL-3.2 were made. The effect of reflectors on the critical masses and the relations between the critical mass of actinide in metal and its neutron multiplication factor in the infinite media were discussed.



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