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Report No.

MARBLE; A Next generation neutronics analysis code system for fast reactors

Yokoyama, Kenji   ; Hirai, Yasushi*; Tatsumi, Masahiro*; Hyodo, Hideaki*; Chiba, Go; Hazama, Taira ; Nagaya, Yasunobu  ; Ishikawa, Makoto

A development project of the next generation neutronics analysis code system, MARBLE, has been launched in JAEA. A software platform and common data models for fast reactor neutronics analysis were developed to realize the new system. At present, a fast reactor burnup calculation system, ORPHEUS, has been implemented in the MARBLE system. The new system reproduced benchmark results by the conventional code system and it reduced input data preparation works with the help of the capabilities supported by common data model packages. The new system was validated in an analysis of a burnup reactivity coefficient measured in the experimental fast reactor JOYO. These results show that MARBLE/ORPHEUS can be adopted as a new standard neutronics analysis system for fast reactors.



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