Manufacturing of small tritium target for DT neutron generator
沓掛 忠三; 田中 滋; 阿部 雄一; 川辺 勝*; 鈴木 卓美; 山田 正行; 山西 敏彦; 今野 力

Kutsukake, Chuzo; Tanaka, Shigeru; Abe, Yuichi; Kawabe, Masaru*; Suzuki, Takumi; Yamada, Masayuki; Yamanishi, Toshihiko; Konno, Chikara
A small tritium target for Fusion Neutronics Source(FNS) was successfully produced at the Tritium Processing Laboratory(TPL) in JAEA for the first time and examined the performance of the target. The small tritium target is produced with absorbing tritium in evaporated titanium layer on copper alloy substrate. Titanium metal is very active to oxygen. The surface of titanium quickly oxidizes on exposure to air and the oxidized titanium does not absorb enough tritium. Trough many tests we found out that a glow discharge cleaning system with argon gas could remove the oxidizes titanium surface adequately. Tritium amount of about 400 GBq was successfully absorbed to the cleaned titanium layer at TPL. The produced tritium target performance was tested at FNS. The tritium distribution in titanium was almost flat, the initial DT neutron generation rate was 1.7E11 n/s/mA and the attenuation of DT neutron generation rate with beam irradiation quantity was small.