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Gas production and activation calculation in MEGAPIE


Thiolliere, N.*; David, J.-C.*; Eid, M.*; Konobeyev, A. Y.*; Eikenberg, J.*; Fischer, U.*; Gr$"o$schel, F.*; Guertin, A.*; Latg$'e$, C.*; Lemaire, S.*; Leray, S.*; Letourneau, A.*; Michel-Sendis, F.*; 西原 健司  ; Panebianco, S.*; Stankunas, G.*; Wagner, W.*; Wernli, B.*; Zanini, L.*

Thiolliere, N.*; David, J.-C.*; Eid, M.*; Konobeyev, A. Y.*; Eikenberg, J.*; Fischer, U.*; Gr$"o$schel, F.*; Guertin, A.*; Latg$'e$, C.*; Lemaire, S.*; Leray, S.*; Letourneau, A.*; Michel-Sendis, F.*; Nishihara, Kenji; Panebianco, S.*; Stankunas, G.*; Wagner, W.*; Wernli, B.*; Zanini, L.*

MEGAPIE計画では、鉛ビスマスターゲットから放出された放射性ガスの測定が行われた。測定値と複数の計算コードによる結果の比較を行い、鉛ビスマスターゲットからの放射性ガスの放出率を評価した。また、MCNPX2.5.0, FLUKA, SNTコードと放射化評価コードを結合し、ターゲットと構造材の放射化を評価した。これにより、運転中、照射後試験、そして、ターゲット廃棄時の安全や被爆評価にかかわるデータベースを構築した。

Gas measurements by $$gamma$$ spectroscopy in the MEGAwatt PIlot Experiment (MEGAPIE) project has led to the determination of main radioactive isotopes released by the LBE. Comparison with calculations performed with several validated codes supplies important volatile elements release fraction estimation in a spallation target. In addition, calculations with MCNPX2.5.0, FLUKA and SNT codes coupled with evolution programs have been performed in order to study the activation of the target and structural materials. The induced database is relevant for safety and radioprotection during operation, for the post-irradiation experiments and for target dismantlement.



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