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Report No.

Development of ionizing radiation-sensitive liposome for radio-chemo-concurrent cancer therapy

Akamatsu, Ken

We have developed a ionizing radiation-sensitive liposome aiming to construct a release control system which the incorporated anticancer agents in liposomes accumulated at tumor can be released following to destruction of them by the irradiation. We predict that one of most effective chemical species injuring liposome is hydroxyl radical produced by radiolysis of water. According to the hypothesis, as the first step of the development, we have investigated the relationship between lipid compositions in liposome (a 3-membered system: cholesterol, a saturated phospholipid, and an unsaturated phospholipid) and radiation sensitivity, using a soft X-ray equipment (Softex M-150WE). Based on the results from the X-ray experiments, a liposome with both a boron compound and anticancer agent was prepared, considering its use for boron neutron capture therapy.



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