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Report No.

Practical method for producing a large amount of isotopically enriched silicon by infrared multi-photon dissociation of hexafluorodisilane

Oba, Hironori  ; Akagi, Hiroshi; Katsumata, Keiichi*; Hashimoto, Masashi; Yokoyama, Atsushi

This paper presents a practical method for producing highly enriched silicon isotopes utilizing laser irradiation. One- or two-frequency CO$$_{2}$$ laser irradiation has been employed to separate the desired isotope of silicon by means of infrared multi-photon dissociation (IRMPD) of the hexafluorodisilane (Si$$_{2}$$F$$_{6}$$) molecules using a flow reaction system. The production of Si$$_{2}$$F$$_{6}$$ with $$^{28}$$Si fraction of 99.1% at a rate of 0.67 g($$^{28}$$Si)/h was successfully accomplished with a high yield by the two-frequency laser irradiation. The enriched SiF$$_{4}$$ gas with $$^{30}$$Si exceeding 31% was also continuously obtained at the production rate of 0.12 g/h by the one-frequency laser irradiation.



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Category:Physics, Applied



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