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バックエンド推進部門における原子力施設の廃止措置及び放射性廃棄物処理処分に係る技術開発の進捗; 平成19年度

Present status of technology development on decommissioning and waste management in Nuclear Cycle Backend Directorate; Progress in 2007


Editorial Committee of R&D Results


It is an important issue for Japan Atomic Energy Agency to take measures against the matters on decommissioning of retired nuclear facilities and management of low-level radioactive waste, and the measures must be taken with rational way by ensuring the safety. As the development, improvement and proper deployment of technologies will be key factors, a technology development program is under way in Nuclear Cycle Backend Directorate. The technology development items are selected from the viewpoint of cost reduction; these include the development of computer systems for planning and evaluation of decommissioning programs, calcination method for pretreatment of waste for disposal, supercritical CO$$_{2}$$ fluid leaching method for decontamination, rapid and simplified radiation measurement, evaluation of radioactive characteristics of waste and so on. This report describes outline and progress of the technology development program conducted in FY2007 far by the research and development unit.



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