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Report No.

Crystal structure of the human granulocyte colony stimulating factor receptor signaling complex

Kuroki, Ryota

We have succeeded in preparation and crystallization of 2:2 complex between human GCSF (hGCSF) and the Ig-like and CRH domains of human GCSF-R (hGCSF-R) and determined its tertiary structure by X-ray crystallography at 2.8 angstrom resolution. The signaling 2:2 complex is formed via cross-over interactions between the Ig-like domain of hGCSF-R and the neighboring hGCSF, forming a two-fold axis of crystallographic symmetry. This conformation is quite different from that of the heterogeneous mGCSF-R complex, and more closely resembles the 2:2:2 active assembly of human interleukin-6 (IL-6), human IL-6-receptor and human gp130 (which is a shared signal transducing receptor for several cytokines), and the 2:2 assembly of viral IL-6 and human gp130. The Ig-like domain cross-over structure necessary for GCSF-R activation is consistent with previously reported thermodynamic and mutational analyses.



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