※ 半角英数字
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HTTR原子炉格納容器漏えい率試験計画の改善; 実績を考慮したA種,B種及びC種試験の組合せプログラムの導入

Performance-based improvement of the leakage rate test program for the reactor containment of HTTR; Adoption of revised test program containing "Type A, Type B and Type C tests"

近藤 雅明; 君島 悟*; 江森 恒一; 関田 健司; 古澤 孝之 ; 早川 雅人; 小澤 太教; 青野 哲也; 黒羽 操; 大内 弘

Kondo, Masaaki; Kimishima, Satoru*; Emori, Koichi; Sekita, Kenji; Furusawa, Takayuki; Hayakawa, Masato; Kozawa, Takayuki; Aono, Tetsuya; Kuroha, Misao; Ouchi, Hiroshi


The reactor containment of HTTR is tested to confirm leak-tight integrity of itself. "Type A test" has been conducted in accordance with the standard testing method in JEAC4203 since the preoperational verification of the containment was made. Type A tests are identified as basic one for measuring containment leakage rate, it costs much, however. Therefore, the test program for HTTR was revised to adopt an efficient and economical alternatives including "Type B and Type C tests". In JEAC4203-2004, following requirements are specified for adopting alternatives: upward trend of leakage rate by Type A test due to aging should not be recognized; criterion of combined leakage rate with Type B and Type C tests should be established; the criteria for Type A test and combined leakage rate test should be satisfied; correlation between the leakage rates by Type A test and combined leakage rate test should be recognized. Considering the performances of the tests, the policies of corresponding to the requirements were developed, which were accepted by the regulatory agency. This report presents an outline of the tests, identifies issues on the conventional test and summarizes the policies of corresponding to the requirements and of implementing the tests based on the revised program.



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