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Report No.

Activity report for feasibility study on PKI authentication method with IC card in Authentication System Sub Group of J-PARC Information System Group

Teshima, Naoya; Aoyagi, Tetsuo; Hashimoto, Kiyoharu*; Manabe, Atsushi*; Yuasa, Fukuko*; Nakajima, Norihiro  

The authentication System Group of J-PARC Information System Group carried out the feasibility study about PKI authentication method that used IC card. Its purpose was that we validated its practical utility to choose an authentication method to adjust a security level desired at the information system of J-PARC. As a target of the feasibility studies, we chose following four validation items. (1) "The EAP-TLS wireless LAN authentication method" (2) "The Web-SSL client authentication method when accessed via SSL-VPN device" (3) "The PKI authentication method that used IC card stored the certificate which issued by NAREGI-CA software. (4) "The PKI authentication method that used Dual card type FeliCa". We established validation point for each validation item, and carried out it. So, we got the results and useful information. This report is that we organized a validation procedure, result and knowledge that we got by feasibility studies.



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