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Report No.

Radiation oxidation of a Si-based polymer blend as a SiC-based ceramic precursor

Idesaki, Akira; Wach, R. A.; Sugimoto, Masaki; Yoshikawa, Masahito

Effects of $$gamma$$-ray irradiation on a polymer blend of polycarbosilane and polyvinylsilane (a PCS-PVS blend) in the presence of oxygen were investigated. The PCS-PVS blends were oxidized during the irradiation of $$gamma$$-rays to form crosslinking structures such as Si-O-Si and/or Si-O-C bonds. In case of a PCS-PVS blend containing 30wt% of polyvinylsilane, the absorbed dose enough for gellation decreased to less than 1/10 comparing with that for the pure polycarbosilane.



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