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Tritium generation in lithium ceramics Li$$_{2}$$TiO$$_{3}$$ for fusion reactor blanket


Tazhibayeva, I. L.*; Kenzhin, E. A.*; Kulsartov, T. V.*; Kuykabayeva, A. A.*; Shestakov, V.*; Chikhray, E.*; Gizatulin, S.*; Maksimkin, O. P.*; Beckman, I. N.*; 河村 弘; 土谷 邦彦 

Tazhibayeva, I. L.*; Kenzhin, E. A.*; Kulsartov, T. V.*; Kuykabayeva, A. A.*; Shestakov, V.*; Chikhray, E.*; Gizatulin, S.*; Maksimkin, O. P.*; Beckman, I. N.*; Kawamura, Hiroshi; Tsuchiya, Kunihiko

本論文は、カザフスタン国立原子力センターのWWR-K炉で照射した核融合炉用セラミックトリチウム増殖材の照射試験結果について記述されている。本試験は、出力6MWで220日間(5350時間)照射し、20%の$$^{6}$$Li燃焼した96% $$^{6}$$Li濃縮Li$$_{2}$$TiO$$_{3}$$からのトリチウム放出に関するものである。得られた試験データから、照射したリチウムセラミックスからのトリチウム放出特性が、照射条件や残留トリチウム量に依存していた。この結果より、照射済リチウムセラミックスからのトリチウムの生成・放出に関するメカニズムを提案した。トリチウムの損失やHTOへの結合を評価するとともに、定温時や熱サイクル時における拡散によるトリチウムの放出速度を求めた。

Lithium titanate (Li$$_{2}$$TiO$$_{3}$$) was chosen as a tentative reference material from viewpoints of good tritium recovery at low temperatures and of low tritium inventory and chemical stability for the breeding blanket in fusion reactors. The results of the irradiation tests of Li$$_{2}$$TiO$$_{3}$$ in the WWR-K of NNC-RK are described in this paper. 96at% $$^{6}$$Li-enriched Li$$_{2}$$TiO$$_{3}$$ pebbles and disks were prepared as the irradiation specimens and these specimens were irradiated during 220 days (5350 hours) at the reactor power of 6 MWt. Tritium release was measured continuously during irradiation tests and tritium release properties were evaluated. The mechanics describing generation and release of tritium from the irradiated Li$$_{2}$$TiO$$_{3}$$ were analyzed. There was estimated tritium loss due to recoil energy and binding of tritium in HTO, and there was calculated stationary tritium release due to diffusion under constant temperature and under thermal cycling.



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