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Report No.

Operation of the electrostatic accelerators

Agematsu, Takashi; Uno, Sadanori; Chiba, Atsuya; Yamada, Keisuke; Yokoyama, Akihito; Saito, Yuichi; Ishii, Yasuyuki; Sato, Takahiro; Okubo, Takeru; Mizuhashi, Kiyoshi; Yokota, Wataru; Kitano, Toshihiko*; Takayama, Terumitsu*; Orimo, Takao*; Koka, Masashi*; Aoki, Yuki*; Yamada, Naoto*

Three electrostatic accelerators were operated smoothly in FY 2007, and all the planned experiments were carried out except those canceled by users. The yearly operation time of the tandem accelerator, the single-ended accelerator and the ion implanter amounted to 1949, 2437 and 1900 hours. The high-pressure residual gas of SF$$_{6}$$ is leaking from the SF$$_{6}$$ gas handling system of the tandem accelerator. The most amount of the leak comes out when the accelerator tank pressure is high. Therefore, in order to reduce the leak by lowering the residual gas pressure, a pipe was installed to carry the gas in the high-pressure part of the system for the accelerator to the low-pressure storage tank. As to the ion implanter, Pb ion, which was requested by users, was successfully generated using oven method and accelerated with intensity of 1.5 $$mu$$A.



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